Beyblade Metal Fury Rev Up Launcher
Takara Tomy
$19.99WHAT'S INCLUDED:Rev-Up Launcher NOTES:Reproduction Rev-Up launcher based on the black MANI Limited version. This launcher is considered to be the best Metal Series launcher. They've become very rare and difficult to find over the years...$19.99 -
HASBRO Mercury Anubis / Anubius 85XF, Metal Fury Beyblade, Brave Red Version
$69.99WHAT'S INCLUDED:Face Bolt - AnubisEnergy Ring - AnubisFusion Wheel - MercurySpin Track - 85Performance Tip - XFDocumentation & Assembly Tool INFO:Bey Weight: 34.5gType: AttackSpin Direction: RightTakara Tomy Name: Mercury...$69.99 -
HASBRO Omega Draonis 85XF Metal Fury Legends Beyblade BB-M28
$199.99WHAT'S INCLUDED:Face Bolt - DragonisEnergy Ring - DragonisFusion Wheel - OmegaSpin Track - 85Performance Tip - XFLauncher & RipcordDocumentation INFO:Bey Weight: 43.3gType: AttackSpin Direction: RightTakara...$199.99 -
HASBRO Twisted Tempo / Basalt Horogium 145WD Metal Masters Beyblade BB-104
$69.99What's Included:Face Bolt - TempoEnergy Ring - TempoFusion Wheel - TwistedSpin Track - 145Performance Tip - WDRipcordLauncherAssembly ToolDocumentation / Instructions Bey Weight: 53.45gType: DefenseSpin Direction: RightTakara Tomy Name: Basalt...$69.99 -
HASBRO Twisted Tempo / Basalt Horogium 145WD Legends Beyblade BB-104
$199.99What's Included:Face Bolt - TempoEnergy Ring - TempoFusion Wheel - TwistedSpin Track - 145Performance Tip - WDRipcordLauncherAssembly ToolDocumentation / Instructions Bey Weight: 53.45g Type: Defense Spin Direction: Right Takara Tomy Name: Basalt...$199.99 -
HASBRO Evil Befall / Killer Beafowl UW145EWD Metal Masters Beyblade BB-100
$299.99What's Included:Face Bolt - BefallEnergy Ring - BefallFusion Wheel - KillerSpin Track - UW145Performance Tip - EWDRipcordLauncherSticker SetAssembly ToolDocumentation Beyblade Weight: 39.94g Type: Balance Spin Direction: Right Takara...$299.99 -
HASBRO Hell / Hades Kerbecs BD145DS Legends Beyblade BB-99
$79.99What's Included:Face Bolt - KerbecsEnergy Ring - KerbecsFusion Wheel - HadesSpin Track - BD145Performance Tip - DSRipcordLauncherAssembly ToolDocumentation / Instructions Bey Weight: 52.63g Type: Stamina Spin Direction: Right Takara Tomy Name: Hell...$79.99 -
HASBRO Ultimate Meteo L-Drago Absorb DF105LRF Metal Masters Beyblade BB-98
$299.99What's Included:Face Bolt - L-Drago IIEnergy Ring - L-Drago AbsorbFusion Wheel - MeteoSpin Track - DF105Performance Tip - LRFRipcord LauncherDocumentation Please Note: This product's box is old and shows some signs of wear. Bey...$299.99 -
HASBRO Ultimate Gravity Destroyer Stamina / Perseus GB145S Metal Masters Beyblade BB-97
$69.99What's Included:Face Bolt - DestroyerEnergy Ring - Destroyer StaminaFusion Wheel - GravitySpin Track - GB145Performance Tip - SRipcord LauncherDocumentation Please Note: This product's box is old and shows some signs of wear. Bey Weight: 42...$69.99 -
HASBRO Flame Byxis 230WD Metal Masters Beyblade BB-95
$49.99What's Included:Face Bolt - ByxisEnergy Ring - ByxisFusion Wheel - FlameSpin Track - 230Performance Tip - WDRipcord LauncherDocumentation Please Note: This product's box is old and shows some signs of wear. Bey Weight: 41gType: BalanceSpin...$49.99 -
HASBRO NEWBOY Rapid Deploy Case + Galaxy Pegasis W105R2F NIB B-202
$29.99WHAT'S INCLUDED:Rapid Deploy CaseGalaxy Pegasus W105R2F Beyblade NOTES:The Rapid Deploy Case is based on gear used by characters in the anime such as Gingka Hagane. A single Beyblade can be stored and deployed from the case. It can attach onto a belt...$29.99 -
HASBRO Ray Gil 100RSF Metal Masters Beyblade BB-91
$59.99WHAT'S INCLUDED:Face Bolt - GilEnergy Ring - GilFusion Wheel - RaySpin Track - 100Performance Tip - RSFRipcord LauncherDocumentation NOTES:Please Note: This product's box is old and shows some signs of wear. INFO:Bey Weight: 34.9gType: AttackSpin...$59.99